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Releases -> ЩРТТТЩ -> The Dive


СC 3.0

15 tracks

33 minutes


The third part of tetralogy "ЩРТТТЩ": after getting through the bloody skirmish with the mistress of deadly forest, the Owl, and summoning the Firebird with his own blood, Shchrt sets off to the bottom of a mysterious pond which belongs to the King of Fishes — The Deep-Sea-Angler, to find the grotto of the Waterbird.

[All tags are in Russian]


1. Bank (1:02)

2. Flames on the water (2:35)

3. Cold ooze (1:02)

4. Bottom (1:00)

5. Conversation with cod (2:16)

6. Dance at Deep-Sea-Angler's (1:25)

7. A talk with flatfish (2:42)

8. Carp's chant (1:42)

9. The cave is being flooded. Somewhere close the Carp is wandering (0:59)

10. Summoning the Waterbird (3:28)

11. Water blooming (3:32)

12. Journey from the depths (3:18)

13. The return. Red haze (1:02)

14. Setting connection with the Mole (6:42)

15. Come at you (0:45)

Apple Lossless Audio Codec